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Churn Prediction

Open Project

Business Problem

It is expected to develop a machine learning model that can predict customers who will leave the company.

Dataset Info

21 Feature, 7043 Sample

Feature Definition
customerID Customer ID
gender Whether the customer is a male or a female
SeniorCitizen Whether the customer is a senior citizen or not (1, 0)
Partner Whether the customer has a partner or not (Yes, No)
Dependents Whether the customer has dependents or not (Yes, No)
tenure Number of months the customer has stayed with the company
PhoneService Whether the customer has a phone service or not (Yes, No)
MultipleLines Whether the customer has multiple lines or not (Yes, No, No phone service)
InternetService Customer’s internet service provider (DSL, Fiber optic, No)
OnlineSecurity Whether the customer has online security or not (Yes, No, No internet service)
OnlineBackup Whether the customer has online backup or not (Yes, No, No internet service)
DeviceProtection Whether the customer has device protection or not (Yes, No, No internet service)
TechSupport Whether the customer has tech support or not (Yes, No, No internet service)
StreamingTV Whether the customer has streaming TV or not (Yes, No, No internet service)
StreamingMovies Whether the customer has streaming movies or not (Yes, No, No internet service)
Contract The contract term of the customer (Month-to-month, One year, Two year)
PaperlessBilling Whether the customer has paperless billing or not (Yes, No)
PaymentMethod The customer’s payment method (Electronic check, Mailed check, Bank transfer (automatic), Credit card (automatic))
MonthlyCharges The amount charged to the customer monthly
TotalCharges The total amount charged to the customer
Churn Whether the customer churned or not (Yes or No)




telco.ipynb - Telco Customer Churn Prediction Notebook


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