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Sorting Udemy Courses

Open Project

Business Problem

Within the Data Science category, various Udemy courses are requested to be ranked.

In this case;

  • A ranking based on Rating, Comment and Purchase numbers as well as a ranking based on the average weight of these factors
  • Bayesian Average Rating (BAR Score)

Furthermore, at the end of the study, a hybrid solution of all these approaches and a ranking approach is discussed.

Bayesian Average Rating (BAR Score)

Bayesian Average Rating calculates a weighted probabilistic average using the distributional information of the scores.

The Bayesian method applies the approach of using past information to make something in the future.

Dataset Info


Feature Definition
course_name Course name
purchase_count Number of purchases
rating Average rating point
comment_count Number of comment
5_point 5-point rating vote number
4_point 4-point rating vote number
3_point 3-point rating vote number
2_point 2-point rating vote number
1_point 1-point rating vote number




01-user-time-weighted-product-score.ipynb - User & Time Weighted Product Score Calculation Notebook

02.1-sorting-udemy-courses.ipynb - Sorting Udemy Courses Notebook

02.2-sorting-imdb-movies.ipynb - Sorting IMDB Movies Notebook

03-sorting-reviews.ipynb - Sorting Reviews Notebook

04-amazon-rating-product-sorting-reviews.ipynb - Rating Product & Sorting Reviews in Amazon


Oğuz Erdoğan


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